
Dear Magical Moneymaker,

Welcome to a new chapter in your life, of elevated Experiences and financial Flow.

This course has the power to transform your life... For you to transcend form, enter sacred metamorphosis, become surrendered goo with Source, and emerge with new wings in your new Reality.

I'm mentioning the goo because you may find that you feel vulnerable to make powerful changes in your beliefs, self concept, lifestyle, and/or ways of living your life with Money. You'll be challenged to evolve beyond your perception of limitations. You'll be inspired to expand your feeling of what is possible for you. You'll enliven an even more empowered and amazing version of You.

My intention is to make this experience easy and empowering. I'm sharing a distillation of the experiences I've been passionately seeking and the pearls of wisdom I've found through along the way to give you the crème de la crème of how to be a happy and successful Magical Moneymaker.

How to Journey

As you flow through the inspiration, information, and initiations of this course, I encourage you to honour your Divine Sovereignty. Trust what feels right for you.

I am offering you all the golden keys of what has worked for me, yet only you can feel which keys will open the right doors for you. So I invite you to explore this course however feels right to you. It could be a thorough journey from A to Z, or moving in whichever direction feels alive and exciting for you.

I highly encourage you, if you feel inspired, to journal as you explore this course as it's one of the best ways to connect with your Truth and into-Great. I love writing in beautiful journals that inspire me, as well as doing vocal journal sessions by recording my voice on my phone, often while I'm walking through nature.

You may notice that my teaching style is more from a space of storytelling than telling you what to do. This is because I enjoy learning through peoples' experiences and find that first person perspectives feel more honouring of everyone's unique power. Words are spells (that's why it's called spelling, haha) and my intention is to honour my weaving of words with respect for all.

Ultimately I desire for you to love this course and do it however feels best! My hope is to give you the fullest most resourceful course I can, yet ultimately your connection with your Source is what will empower you most.


Before we dive into the course I'd love to say a big juicy THANK YOU for arriving here and aligning with this offering. You being in your Power as a Magical Moneymaker means that you can live your best life and share your greatest gifts with the world.

One of my favourite manifesting techniques is to play a song that gets me vibed up and do a pre-emptive Happy Dance. There's so many awesome songs that rock the energy of the joy of making money. I'm excited about inspiring and supporting you in knowing that you get to live the life you truly desire doing what you truly love, because the Love is the Greatest Magic There is. 😊💛💰🪄✨

Wishing you Wealth!!

Queen Cora Flora

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